The WaterPlan Project
The WaterPlan Project aims at improving the protection of drinking water sources. The economic value of a safe access to source water of good quality is used in combination with risk assessment and ecosystem services to evaluate protective measures.

Aims and objectives
​The aim of the project is to enable well-informed analyses and prioritization of measures for protecting drinking water sources as part of future urban development. The economic value of a safe access to source water of good quality is used in combination with risk assessment for evaluating protective measures in spatial planning.
Specific objectives are to:
Characterize drinking water sources in terms of (a) what services they provide, (b) sources and extent of risk, and (c) management challenges.
Present methods for assessing risks to different types of drinking water sources, and how to adapt the assessment based on case study specific requirements.
Identify possible welfare consequences due to existing and future risks.
Monetize welfare consequences through (a) benefit transfer and (b) primary valuation studies in selected representative cases to determine the economic value of water protection measures for Swedish source waters with different characteristics.
Combine risk assessment results and the economic value of water protection, into a probabilistic economic decision analysis of possible water protection measures.